Holland Stories | Holland, Land of Castles and Country Houses (highlights)


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Admire the wealth and beauty of Dutch castles and country houses. An ode to the rich country side through the ages.

Holland counts more than 700 castles, country houses and rural estates. That's a well kept secret that we would like to unveil. These typically Dutch historic houses and gardens are built bij rich merchants and nobility from the 17th and 18th century. They stem from the same wealth and prosperity like Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Mauritshuis in The Hague. NBTC Holland Marketing selected the most attractive castle museums and castle gardens, hotels, restaurants, regions, biking and routes in the story line Castles and Country Houses. Together they tell te story of the beauty and richness of lush gardens, rich collections and famous residents and guests from the past.

Discover it yourself on: http://www.holland.com/castles

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